Friday, 26 February 2016

Two weeks to go!

Two weeks until I head north and hopfully catch the Clipper fleet arriving into Qingdao! I can quite honestly say, that I am very excited! Two years ago, I was in Qingdao, getting ready to joing CV27 (Then named Team Garmin) to take part in Leg 6 to San Francisco. In two years time, I will be onboard one of this fine fleet arriving in Qingdao, and be just over halfway through the circumnavigation! How exciting is that!!

I have already got a page setup to post about my trip to Qingdao (Click Here) and you can check out some pictures, and my write up!

Don't Forget to also check out; (Click links below)
Clipper Round the World Yacht Race
Jubilee Sailing Trust
My Fundraising Page
My Facebook Page (and if you're new, don't forget to "like" it! for news and updates!)

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Updates 25th February 2016

Update - Update - Update!

Event 1 - Coffee Free - still going strong and well into week three now!
Event 2 - Resources - Yes! Sales have started to happen, but I am unable to withdraw the money from the account / upload to my fundraising until I reach £10! So, watch this space!

The Blog;
This week, we reached the big 300 hits! Thank You to all of my readers for getting us there so quickly! The blog has only been active 3 weeks!

What's New?
I have added a page all about the basic navigation that, as clipper crew, you should know. I have also linked in some useful websites / publications so you guys can do some more reading! Click here to see this page!

What to look forward to?
Training Updates (April 2016)
News of Fundraising Activities

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Updates 21st Feb

Updates, Updates, Updates!

Current Fundraising Activities

Event No. 1; Coffee Free Month [10th Feb - 10th Mar]
This is in progress, and is going very well - I am halfway through week two, coffee free! On Friday, I was gifted COFFEE from Indonesia! Its torture... to have it sat there, I can smell it, I can't wait to open it and drink some when I return from Qingdao on the 13th March!
Donatations however have been very few! But - we are still in the early stages! :)

Event No. 2; Teaching Resources Sale on TES (Click here, to view my "shop") [Ongoing]
Seems crazy to make this into a fundraiser, but it is something that I do every day - so I figured I would put it to good use! I am in the process of uploading my English Resources, and over time, I will add the Music Resources too. My resources are all £1 unless otherwise stated. I have also got some Mandarin resources - easy-peasy language stuff! [Prep yourselves for the Qingdao Stopover!]

Whats New?

  • Fundraising Activity added - click here to read all about it!
  • Thank You's Added! - click here to read all about that! :-)

What to look forward to?

  • Training Update
  • News of Sponsors
  • Additions to Kit Reviews (Click here)

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Cracking Deals for Clipper Crew!

Must See Website(s)!

Hi Everyone,

I have just had a great chat with a friend...  (He was my Skipper for my Level 2 in 13/14 race), how I was in a bit of a conundrum about boots... which boots to get, which were better than my current (Henri Lloyd Extreme Waterproofs) boots. I mention about the general sway among crew on CV27 and he was in total agreement, and as a result I managed to get a crackin' deal!

So... fellow sailors, clipper crew, upcoming clipper crew... Get yourselves over to FIERCE TURTLE! It is a great website, lots of info, deals, all things clipper, second-hand kit for sale... it really is a good site - I have linked it in "Links to See" but their website is;

and they can also be found on Facebook!

Please - go on over and check them out!

Jess x

Friday, 12 February 2016

Updates 12th Feb

Updates Updates Updates!

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to yet anoter post all about the updates that are coming your way!

Whats New? (I hear you say!)

  • Clipper Round the Yacht Race Page: Giving some information about the race, including the route and links to the page.
  • In The News Page: Where I hope to keep all links/photos etc of my news! I have included stuff from my 13/14 challenge! - Enjoy!

What to look forward to...
  • (More) Links to be added to my "Links to See" (Opposite)
  • News of Sponsored Events!
  • Thank You's!
  • Level Two Training (April)

Tuesday, 9 February 2016


That's right people...
10th Feb 2016 - 10th March 2016!

Now, if you know me well enough... you will know, I DO NOT FUNCTION without a coffee in the morning, or during the day, in meetings, in breaks, at the end of the day... you get the drift.


Please CLICK TO DONATE to support my insanity using the link opposite, OR visiting the website HERE

Wish me luck,
Jess xx 

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Updates 6th Feb 2016


Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to give you a little brief on the updates I have made to the blog...

I have now added;
  • A page for 15/16 Clipper Race visit to Qingdao, Shangdong, China - I'll be there! So, hopefully a blog update with some pictures to follow!
  • There has been an additional page added about the Fundraising Events that I hope to be completing when I return to the UK! (As you know, I live in Shanghai!) This is a page that will be constantly updated! So, keep an eye, I hope to post updates in due course!
What to look forward to;
  • Clipper Round the World Yacht Race
  • Level Two training come April 2016!
  • In the news!

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Sponsored Swim!

Hi Everyone!

On return to the UK in July, I will be doing a SPONSORED SWIM in my local swimming pool! 20th July! I hope to be in the pool for two hours, swimming as many lengths as I can!

Your support is gratefully recieved as always, please donate to - or you can click opposite - yep, over to the right, just where that ugly picture of me is... ->

Only kidding, your support will spur me on to swim as many lengths as I can!

I will update in due course, and I hope that I will have some pictures before/during/after!


Jess x

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

My Guest Feature!

Hi Everyone!

I was invited by fellow RTW'er Caitlin, to write a blog to share on her page... check it out by visiting;


This is my blog!

Hi Everyone,
Welcome to my NEW blog!

Here I will be publishing blogs about my training, as well as, in time, the race itself! I will include pictures, where possible! and express thoughts!

I hope you enjoy the blog, it is here to be enjoyed! As well as provide a platform of information for new crew thinking about joining the race!!
